Skype session (10-15 mins) $0
Skype session (30 mins): $75.
1 In-person session $300.
2 In-person sessions (1/2 day) $500.
All-Day In-person sessions (3 sessions) $700.
Travel and lodging expenses are added for all in-person visits outside the St. Louis/Jefferson County areas unless agreed upon in advance by the author. Visits over 150 miles away are considered “all day” events due to travel time involved. Visit over 250 miles distance from St. Louis require airline travel arrangements.
Tips for a Successful Author or Illustrator Visit
Enlist the support and enthusiasm of your faculty and colleagues. Consider inviting home-schoolers, parents and local media representatives. The media can bring your school positive promotion.
Set several possible dates and plan early. Making contact in the spring for a visit in the fall or spring of the following year is advisable.
Please remind teachers to remain in the room and to participate in the presentation. This has a positive influence on student behavior and allows for more in-depth follow-up after the presentation.
Teachers should brainstorm with students about questions they might ask the author or artist. Older students can write questions to be pulled from a ‘hat’ as time allows.
The library or resource room are good settings for presentations. Make sure the room can be darkened for use of A/V equipment. Writing Workshops require a setting with tables and chairs. Students will need pencils and paper.
Many schools hold a book sale or apply for a grant to help offset visitor’s fees.
Pre-order the author or illustrator’s books well in advance of the visit.
Team up with neighboring schools in your district to share expenses.
To book a visit fill out the form or call (314) 403-2075 and leave a message. Thank you.
RATES for the current academic school year:
Skype session (10-15 mins) $0
Skype session (30 mins): $75.
1 In-person session $300.
2 In-person sessions (1/2 day) $500.
All-Day In-person sessions (3 sessions) $700.
Travel and lodging expenses are added for all in-person visits outside the St. Louis/Jefferson County areas unless agreed upon in advance by the author. Visits over 150 miles away are considered “all day” events due to travel time involved. Visit over 250 miles distance from St. Louis require airline travel arrangements.
Tips for a Successful Author or Illustrator Visit
To book a visit fill out the form or call (314) 403-2075 and leave a message. Thank you.
[si-contact-form form=’1′].
My email is “art” at my domain name.
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