There’s little more than a week left to 2011, and I’m cutting this one pretty close to the wire.
Last year at this time I signed up for the Off The Shelf Challenge. I rummaged through my shelves of books to find the ones thathad gotten buried and neglected and made a promise to them, myself and the lovely folks over at the challenge’s home blog that I’d ruffle through their pages in 2011.
I read the original 15 books on my list. I’ve also read close to 30 books not on the list. I’d have to say, I never thought I’d find the time to read 15 books, let alone the nearly 50 I have.
What can I say? It’s amazing how much one can accomplish when the TV stays off.
For 2012, I think I’ll be concentrating on more personal challenges. Although I’ve already signed up for the 12 x 12 in 2012 challenge. I am hopeless.