I just realized it’s been nearly a month since I did a daily doodle. So much for the daily part!
It seems to me that the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life tends to pile up more when I am out on book signings than when I am in the studio. Yes, I have to do the nitty-gritty stuff every week, but for some unknown reason it piles up deeper and faster when I am out of the studio. Plus, all the packing, unpack and repacking takes forever, especially when the heat and humidity hits one full force in the face like a used gym sock.
I am considering packing up for PSG in bits and pieces starting today. I head out Sunday. The weather wizards are proclaiming a heat wave until July. I think a trip to the store for a battery powered fan is in order.
I have been doing other artsy things even if I haven’t been doodling.

I decided I needed to get out in the world more in the capacity of rest and recreation. I am becoming rather one-dimensional with all the time I send creating, thinking and tweeting about kid’s books. Don’t get me wrong, I love that I can do this, it’s a wonderful blessing that my dream work is also my professional work, but I feel as if my brain function is in a rut.
So I ordered an ashiko and will be learning to drum. There is a monthly drum circle at Pathways, and I plan to attend. All things being equal, I wanted a drum that was unique. So I drew the rampart lion pair to the left for the drum maker to place on my drum. I am 99.9% sure I will be the only one with winged lions on my drum. I wanted the drum to be stained aquamarine but the drum-maker didn’t have that color, so I am settling for purple. The next drum circle is on the second. Hopefully, my drum will be delivered in time.

The group blog I am a member of, went live two weeks ago. Our first post had over 200 comments by the end of the day. Last time I checked it was edging toward 300 comments. The 2 dozen members of the group were all hoping for a good reaction but the hue reception we have received is beyond our wildest dreams. The blog/site has already been noticed by industry mover and shakers, several of which have either linked to us or emailed us directly. In fact, we even have been given an award. Yes, at two weeks old. It seems as if the time was ripe for all things middle-grade and we began the harvest with a bang! After such a miraculous and huge launch, it’s going to be a tall order to keep up the momentum. My first post will appear on the blog somewhere in late July/early August. I have some rather huge footsteps to follow in. In keeping with my illustration background, I have decided to focus on graphic novels. Visit the site at http://www.fromthemixedupfiles.com/. The post up today is all about dog books.