Enodia and “Watchers”

Dear Friends,

Things have been rather hectic here. Good, but hectic. I will be handing in my resignation at my part time job tomorrow. This will give me two more work days to devote to painting, drawing and writing.

I’m going to need it. My third book “Watchers” is in the final stages of production, the story has been edited a half dozen times; gone over with a fine tooth comb to make it just right. The cover has been painted. The interior images are busy telling me how they want to look, and starting Thursday, I will be deep in the throws of artistic nirvana creating the wonderful watercolors you have come to expect in my books.

This book is something different. Not particularly Pagan, but a fun little rhyming bedtime story with the contribution of a short poem from one of my mailing list members.

I have to get all the paintings done by the beginning of March, so there will be no February coloring page. I just can’t seem to work on more than one project at a time. The January coloring page is up now for download. This month I changed to a jpg as some folks were having trouble with the pdf. This month the lessor known Goddess is Enodia. She was a minor Goddess who was later merged with Hecate. Endoia is the guardian of gates and crossroads. Join the mailing list to download the full sized image. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/magicalchildnews

The first two books are still available from me at http://shop.handcraftedpagan.com Let me know who you’d like them autographed to when you check out. If you buy both books, shipping is on me. You can check out the reviews there as well. Or post your own!

I love to hear from you. Write with questions, comments or suggestions. Hearing from you makes my day.

Bright Blessings,