How To Make a Picture Book Dummy In 9 Easy Steps E-Book

ebook How To Make a Picture Book Dummy“How to Make a Picture Book Dummy in 9 Easy Steps” helps author-illustrators create and prepare a professional sample of their illustrated children’s book to submit to agents or publishers.

Are you an artist new to the world of picture books?

Do you want to learn the tips and techniques involved in creating your own picture book dummy?

Are you unsure of where to start and what is involved?

This handy guide walks you through the process of How To Make a Picture Book Dummy, step by step, from the first draft to the submission packet.

Buy the download here. $5.00 USD

Here’s an overview of what you’ll learn:

  1. What a picture book dummy is and who should create one
  2. How to choose a winning project and put your own spin on it
  3. What to keep in mind while drafting your story
  4. What makes a good picture book
  5. What kind of illustrations to present in your dummy and what to include in those illustrations
  6. How other published author/illustrators work from in-depth interviews

Plus each step includes links to check out and book recommendations to build your resource library.

The 9 Easy Steps:

  1. Pick your project
  2. Draft the story
  3. Develop the characters
  4. Storyboard text and art
  5. Create tight, full-size sketches
  6. Produce two spreads of final art
  7. Comp the cover and assemble the dummy
  8. Research submissions and prepare package
  9. Submit

All this in an easy to follow 40 page How To Make a Picture Book Dummy, read-only e-book for the bargain price of $5! Get your copy today. $5.00 USD

Print version of How To Make a Picture Book Dummy is available: Buy a 5.25″ x 6.75″ paperback booklet for $9 plus postage. US customers only. Buy yours here.

Disclaimer: This read-only e-book was born out of the Picture Book Dummy Challenge hosted by KidLitArt in 2011. Much of the material (but not all) included in the download is still available for free on the KidLitArt blog if you want to sift through the blog posts. A portion of every sale will be donated to Brushes for Vincent a charitable organization that provides children in need with art supplies. Because of this, there are no refunds.

24 thoughts on “How To Make a Picture Book Dummy In 9 Easy Steps E-Book”

  1. Your book looks wonderful! When I have a story idea, being a visual person, I often start with the storyboard rather than the exact words. It gives me an idea about the flow of the story before I commit to specific words and page turns.
    Your dummy images have great movement and action. There’s still a lot to learn.
    (Author & Illustrator of GreenBean: True Blue Family)

  2. So enjoyed your session with Mark Mitchell last week. Can’t wait to get your book. You were great on the ‘anymeeting’ time also. Learned a few things I never knew before just from that. Keep up the great work.

  3. Ms. Martin,
    I am a newbie at children’s books but I think I have a great story. I am not an illustrator but I have one that will do the pictures. My question is submissions. How do you submit a dummy book if they only want you to do it electronically.

    • Traditional publishers do not want your story to be illustrated when you submit it. If you are not an illustrator, don’t worry about illustrations or creating a dummy for publishers. If your story is great, and a publisher accepts it for publication they will choose an illustrator for the story. Just polish your manuscript and follow the submissions guidelines on the publisher’s or agent’s web site.

  4. Yay! Just bought my copy. Its in my husband’s name but thats okay, we share email addresses and paypal accounts hehehehee. I am so excited to read this and then share it with my students. Thanks Wendy. You probably know of me; through Mark Mitchell as we do quite a few business promos together. I heard about your site here from Mark in his latest e-newsletter.

  5. Hello Wendy,

    I purchased and I have looked through your e-book and I am anxious to get started on my own pb-dummy. I wanted to be able to print this pdf and put it into a notebook as a reference. I copied Will Terry’s comments and I have several other references I have printed to make sure I don’t miss anything when compiling my own pb-dummy. I don’t work so well with e-books, I much prefer to have a physical book to use as a reference. The pdf file seems to be locked for printing. Is there a possibility I can print this?


  6. Wendy, I am an artist, freehand and very little knowledge in digital, I am searching the web for online instruction to further my art.
    Saw your photoshop tutorial through Mark Mitchell’s web site.
    Considering a Wacom tablet, your lessons and marks splash course .
    It that a good start for a beginner in the field of picture book illustrations??

  7. Hello Wendy, I’m looking to purchase but I wanted ask first. Will there be an updated version of the book in the near future or would everything still be relevant since the original publication?

    • I have an updated version revision on my to-do list, but I can’t say when it will be. Most of what needs to be updated is links to awards listings. Other information on what to do and the interviews remains relevant. Thanks for your interest.

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