I have fans!

Yesterday started with a fog so thick I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. I nearly missed my turn to get on the highway because I couldn’t see the traffic light! The fog lifted as I drove north and by the time I reached my partner’s house to pick her up, it had dissipated. We loaded her folding table into my car and headed off to the park for PPD.

I had the very last booth on the row. (Actually there was another vendor with a booth after mine, but they showed up in the morning while we were setting up and loooked at their spot and left. We didn’t see them after that!)

The weather was perfect. High 70s with a mild breeze and sunny! After 3 days of heavy rain it was very welcome. The Gods must have been smiling on us because it started raining again last night and it’s still raining now.

I sold 12 books. What a rush! Plus, I had a suprize visit from the author of my foreword – M.R. Sellars! While he was there chatting with me, a few lucky book purchasers got BOTH my autograph and his autograph in my book.

I feel like I have done exceptionally well for my first outing with my book. Plus when I got home from the fair I had fan mail in my inbox!

Hi Lyon!
I was hoping I’d be able to buy your book today at PPD — and thanks to my friend Tracey I did.

Wow — holding a copy of your book in my hands and reading through it–it is so much more impressive than I thought it would be after looking it up on your website and on amazon.

I have only read a little bit of it to my 4yo daughter (Evangeline) — but she adores it so far. And I myself have gotten many ideas from it — and I haven’t even read it all the way through yet. But I’ll have that done by tonight — after the kids are in

Thank you so much for writing this book — and for signing it as well — my daughter thinks it is so cool that you wrote her name in it for her. That made it even more special for her.

Thank you.
Birghtest Blessings,

Plus to top that off, my rating on amazon.com jumped under the 100,000 mark to 95,000 something.

I was invited back to PPD next year to give a workshop. I was also asked if I would give an interview for a well trafficed web site. I expect to hear from them next week regarding the details.

Obviously, I was so busy yesterday with the fair I didn’t have time to sketch but I will definetaly need to get going on some fine art paintings for my upcoming one person show at Chique Gallery in Arnold.

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