June Already?

Where does the time go?

It’s over amonth since my last post and it’s not that I haven’t had tons to write about, it’s that I have had tons to do!

When I returned back from my mid-May appearance there was some awesome news awaiting my in the huge pile of mail that accumulates while I am gone. May’s issue of New Age Retailer had a round up of children’s titles. The editors chose 14 books to feature and GUESS WHAT??!!! My first book An Ordinary Girl, A Magical Child Magical Child Web site was among the few gracing the article’s pages. I am so excited!!. The only trouble is the feature had the old publisher’s contact information and there are currently no books to be had at any of the distribution outlets. I am fixing both problems by throwing money at them! (Yeah right…) Next issue of New Age Retailer will have a display ad for Magical Child and I have a new publisher bringing the book out in hardcover format, with all the pages in color! Since the book is to be re-released, I took the opportunity to fix some of the typos that made it through on the first go round. I also editted the text a whee bit, as well.

The new book will be larger (only slightly) but, wait for it, I will be selling them at the same exact pricing as the old, paperback version.

My fall schedule for this year is booked nearly solid, so I warned my boss that I planned to cut back on my hours. I must say he was less than please, but I have been nagging him to find additional help since the other designer left a year ago.

This month looks to be incredible full even though I will be home the entire time. My eldest step-son is getting married on the 23rd and I am doing the mother in law to be thing for his wifey to be. She was here today with her mother picking up assorted goodies for the big day and then they went off for the fitting of the wedding dress. My Rabbit is so not girly-girl at her current incarnation that I can hardly imagine doing such things with her at all. She is way too much like me, Gods have pity on us both. Hopefully we won’t kill each other before she goes away to college in 6 years or so.