Moon Goddess Oracle begins growing with thumbnails of all 48 cards in the deck. That’s a LOT of ideas to come up with before I get to the fun parts of making the cards.
I wanted to wait until I had all 48 cards sketched in my sketchbook pages. However, all things being equal, I only managed to get the first 12 done last month. I’m still working out how to be a full-time employee and make art. It’s a bit of culture shock and adjustment.
Moon Goddess Oracle begins growing with an idea I sparked back in 2017. Looking back at that plan and look now at my sketches, I find myself off the mark.
Move forward or start over?
In my original idea, the cards were supposed to be more like the face cards in a playing deck with no right way up. But once I got to sketching, the cards most definitely have a directionality to them. That’s because I made them into ‘suits.’ With each 4 cards fitting together like a puzzle piece with a center medallion in each four if that are laid out in a square.
At this point I can keep moving forward or scrap what I’ve done and start over.