You may have noticed a distinct lack of creatures the last few days. I had a bunch of personal stuff that needed dealing with that pulled me out of the studio about half of the week. The rest of the week I spent finalizing artwork and uploading the new look to my web site. Several people have commented how much brighter and happier the place looks now.
This is the new look. Well, it’s the artwork I created for the new look. You can visit the web site to see the actual new look. I know some of you read my posts at other places like LiveJournal and Facebook. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
One of the things a freelance illustrator must cultivate is patience. Publishing is a very slow business. Things take a really long time to happen. My first book took me 5 years to find a publisher. And I was revising and changing the entire five years!
In mid 2009, I submitted several pieces of art to the Society Of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Bulletin. It’s an international publication and in the world of children’s book publishing pretty important. I waited until this weekend to see my first piece published in the current issue. Needless to say, I am thrilled.
And last but not least. A creature of the day (yesterday’s doodle.)
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody. See you next week!
Hi Wendy! Your new site design looks great! I love the color scheme.
Congrats on getting into the bulletin!