Off the Shelf Challenge Update

Back in December, I signed up for the off the shelf challenge. Here is the list as I published it then:

1. Paranormalcy
2. Need
3. Sisters Red
4.The Keening (ARC)
5. Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh (ARC)
6. Majix: Notes From a Serious Teen Witch (ARC)
7. Nathaniel Fludd: Beastologist, Book 4: The Unicorn’s Tale (ARC)
8. Beyond Happiness (ARC)
9. Ordinary Recovery (ARC)
10. ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path
11. A Walk Through a Window
12. Dreamweaver CS5 for Dummies 9 in 1 (ARC)
13. Photoshop CS5 for Dummies (ARC)

I also found other books that I picked up to read and never did. To complete the list of 15 titles for the “Trying” level in the challenge.

14. Evolutionary Witchcraft
15. In Too Deep (39 Clues, #6)

On the original list I have read all except #10. I am finishing up #14.

I also read a whole host of other books not on the list. I seem to be devouring books as fast as my library can put them on the shelves. And some of the books, I’ve even requested through inter-library loan.

I read all the 39 Clues series, and the first one in the series to follow. I don’t think I will continue with them though. The writing by multiple authors is too choppy in one book. I read all of the archived ElfQuest graphic novels, they are only available online. I am in the middle of the Wicked Lovely series, I have a hold on book #3 in the series because I don’t want to read them out of order.

And, just because I am a confirmed book-aholic and can’t help myself, I have another TBR pile started already. I have several meditation books on there. Which I am saving until I finish reading the backlog of meditation monthly mags that have accumulated so deep that I didn’t renew the subscription this year.

I also have two new art instruction books, plus the first two books in a middle-grade series. Solstice and Heart of Valor are their titles.

I was going to say I am ashamed of myself. But I’m not. Reading makes me happy. Happy is good.