Picture Book Month – celebrating literacy with early reading

Join founders Dianne De Las Casas, Elizabeth O. Dulemba, Katie Davis, Tara Lazar, Wendy Martin Illustration & more in celebrating Picture Book Month! Peek from Dianne: “Picture books celebrate childhood. They speak universal truths and help children better understand the world around them. They are often a child’s first exposure to fine art and poetic language.”

Picture Book Month logoYes, I’m one of the founders. That’s what happens when you speak up for something you feel strongly about on Twitter. You get drafted before you even know it.

Picture Book Month is the result of a Twitter brainstorm with the above people and others speaking their minds on how the picture book needs some love. After the ill-conceived NY Times article declaring the picture book dead, authors and illustrators talked back. The print picture book is not dead, is very much alive and vital and a needed tool in helping children on their road to literacy.

Picture books teach many things beyond the story in their pages. They also help to form lasting and loving bonds between parent and child.

Find out more about the founders who are interviewed in a pod cast here.

Visit the Picture Book Month web site for daily blogs from picture book authors and ilustrators from around the world. (Suzanne Bloom, Denise Fleming, Leslie Helakoski, Eric A. Kimmel, Tammi Sauer, Dan Yaccarino, and Jane Yolen to name a few) On the web site you can also download images and activity sheets, a cool calendar, and if you are so inclined become a supporter. Tell your child’s school, you local library and indie bookseller. There’s plenty of room for everybody to climb on board to celebrate.

Read * Share * Celebrate!

1 thought on “Picture Book Month – celebrating literacy with early reading”

  1. “…vital and a needed tool in helping children on their road to literacy.”

    Yes, yes and yes. Picture books are language and image rich and they speak to _all_ ages, imo. Been with them all my life, kid, librarian, mom, grandma. They are a form of story that is vital to growing literacy <sorta what you just said, lol.

    Thanks for doing this to all of you…Happy Picture Book Month!

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