Proud Grandma and web site updates

After dinner last night my husband informed me that both grandchildren had soccer games this morning. We were up at about 8 am and the teenager growl at me when I asked her if she wanted to go with us. We left her sleeping and headed on down to game #1 – the grandson’s team played first at the AmVets field on the southern side of town.

We stopped at the Coffee Cabin (the closest thing to a Starbucks in the area) on the way and got hot coffees and cocoa. While the drinks where being prepared the Jefferson County Fire Engine Parade streamed past. Horns going, bells ringing and assorted hoopla. Some fine old engines went north toward Herky. Some folks were even lining the side of the road to watch! We got our coffee, paid and by the time we left the parking lot it was over. So we got to see it, and not get snarled in traffic. How cool is that?

The game was already started when we pulled up. It always amazes me at how different in shape and size children of the same age can be. My husband commented that if our grandson got any skinnier he’d only have one side. That boy is sure compact, and all legs and neck.

His team played like a well oiled machine. They won 5-0. His mom said they were the “hard” team to beat, too. Totally awesome! We then packed up and headed across town the the park for the granddaughter’s game.

These kids were 5 & 6 year olds. Still totally adorable, but at an age where they are starting to “get” the rules of the game. Our granddaughter devised a game plan that worked really well for her. She’d hang back from the “herd” and wait for the ball to be kicked free. Then she’d get it and speed down the field to the goal. She did this with amazing regularity. Unfortunately, she and her team couldn’t seem to score. She was pretty pleased with her part in the action though, so the score wasn’t an issue.

Of course, we forgot the camera, so no pictures of any of it.

After the game we came home, the teenager was still in bed. It was nearly 1:30 when we arrived back at the house. I got myself some lunch and promptly fell asleep on the couch for two hours. *shrug* oh well, it’s Saturday. I deserve a day off. After I woke u I decided to be productive. Since that book keeping program is on the DH’s computer and he was using it, I moved onto a different project. Probably just as well as I still haven’t located the 2007 records. I decided to fix the pages on my writer’s web site. It’s been festering since April, and I’ve been too busy to do anything about it. So I have now fixed all the pages that are there. I still have to create a few pages of content that I have accumulated since April, but that will be a piece of cake once I sit down to do it.

My husband left for the track while I was working and after her returned, I was still at it. He asked if I’d even moved from the computer. Silly man, I’d washed a sink full of dishes and made dinner, which was cooking in the oven. We actually had dinner all together sitting at the dining room table like civilized people. And nobody complained. There was pleasant conversation and amiable laughter. It’s the only time we saw the teenager all day.

I did some research on the bone spurs in my feet. It seems it’s a form of osteoarthritis. So I am now taking a calcium/magnesium supplement. And rolling a tennis ball around with my foot. I still hobble around like an 80 year old woman. These things are incredibly painful. Standing aggravates them, sitting does as well. The doctor says they’ll go away eventually, and not to wear shoes that tie or press on the top of my foot. Yeah, right. EVERY shoe I own puts pressure on that part of my foot. I guess I may have to break down and do some shoe shopping for myself next week. The last 5 times I went to the shoe store, I got shoes for the teenager!

It seems like the day has got away from me again. It’s nearly 11 pm and I still have a half a dozen things I want to get done today. *blink*