Have you heard of subscription based art collecting? No? It’s here. It’s very affordable and it’s easy to become a patron of the arts.
Patreon is a crowdfunding platform similar to Kickstarter or GoFundMe. But unlike either Kickstarter — which is a big one-time purchase to fund a specific product; or GoFundMe — which is a one-time plea for donations; Patreon is a subscription based art collecting platform. (Or music or video or web comic, anything creative, really.)
What subscription based art collecting means is you pay an ongoing amount – any amount of your choosing – for as long as you want and for your support you receive art each month. The higher the level of your support the more rewards you receive each month. The image below shows some of the different rewards available. That’s a lot of fresh art.
With my Patreon subscription based art collecting, the levels start at a buck. That’s right!! Only ONE DOLLAR and you’ll receive brand new art, created before your eyes, on an ongoing basis. You can subscribe as long as you like. Change your support level and even place a maximum amount you’re willing to spend per month so you can budget your subscription costs easily.
Choose your level of subscription based art collecting support
I have 7 different levels on my Patreon subscription based art collecting. Each level has different rewards, with higher levels getting more rewards. I also have stretch goals (just like Kickstarter,) which, when reached currently active patrons/subscribers get the extra goodies listed.
You’ll get yummy art, coloring pages, prints, wallpapers, discounts, prints and such in your inbox (and higher levels will receive Snail Mail Art) at the beginning of each month. Find out more about the different rewards for each level and what the stretch goals are.