Thinky thoughts and daily doodles

Most nights my mind goes a mile a minute with all kinds of creative things I might be doing or doing better. Eventually, it shuts up so I can go to sleep. In the last few years, the mind wakes up at around 4 am — way before I am seriously done with sleep, rest and dreams. I used to get up and work during these bouts of creative insomnia, but recently the idea of sitting at the keyboard tic-tacking away has lost some appeal. I have been sitting here for about 20 minutes now and already my left leg is achy and numb. It is hard to be creative when part of you is always in pain. I find I am get less accomplished then I like, especially with computer intensive projects. I just can’t sit still like I used to.

As a wee child I used to sit so perfectly still many times people would think my mother was carrying a china doll. I am no longer that petite, and age has blemished my ‘perfect’ complexion.

I am toying with getting the new Adobe CS5, but aside from the $$ involved, there is the time needed to actually get up to speed with the new versions of software. The idea of trying to do a 10-12 hour tutorial is beyond daunting when coupled with the traitorous limb I call leg. Just — ow.

So much of my work requires intense stretches of sitting and leaning time, even if it’s not on the computer. My hubby bought a new drafting table for my birthday, but it hasn’t arrived yet. The one I have was old when I inherited it from an x-boyfriend back in the early 80s. It no longer is a stable work space and if I want the table to be level, I end up having to hold it up with my knees while working. Not the most ergonomic of positions let me assure you. The new table also has storage drawers on either side. I am very much looking forward to its arrival!

I am making a list of large projects I need to do during my off-travel time this summer. One is a complete overhaul of this web site. I am searching for an easy to use gallery which will make keeping my portfolio updated much less of a chore. As it is now, I have to recode the entire page anytime I want to add or remove a piece of art. So I avoid doing it until the site is so stall, I am embarrassed to give people my link.

I also want to finish up 3 WIPs in various stages of undone. And then there is the filing system that is just “shove it in the drawer” method right now. I don’t have to tell you how hard it is to find something when it’s files away like that. At least it is NOT on the horizontal surfaces like my drafting table, light box or computer table. That is something.

I think I will call the massage place today and get the kinks worked out of my hip and thigh. Maybe then I can work without having to hop up every 10 minutes and walk around!

daily doodle for May 13, 2010
daily doodle for May 13, 2010
daily doodle for May 12, 2010
daily doodle for May 12, 2010
daily doodle for May 11, 2010
daily doodle for May 11, 2010
daily doodle for May 10, 2010
daily doodle for May 10, 2010