Update on Off the Shelf book challenge

Last year I signed up for the Off the Shelf book challenge. Here is my list with titles in red of titles I’ve already read.

1. Paranormalcy
2. Need
3. Sisters Red
4.The Keening (ARC)
5. Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh (ARC)
6. Majix: Notes From a Serious Teen Witch (ARC)
7. Nathaniel Fludd: Beastologist, Book 4: The Unicorn’s Tale (ARC)
8. Beyond Happiness (ARC)
9. Ordinary Recovery (ARC)
10. ChristoPaganism: An Inclusive Path
11. A Walk Through a Window (which I haven’t actually received yet, but is expected) Looks like I won’t be receiving this book after all.
12. Dreamweaver CS5 for Dummies 9 in 1 (ARC)

13. Photoshop CS5 for Dummies (ARC)
14. Spindles End
15. Freedom’s Landing

I am more than half way done. Since book 11 never arrived, I looked on my shelves for other books I purchased at one point or another and never read.

11(a). Evolutionary Witchcraft

I am currently reading Majix. (I also read a few other books not on the list. The 39 Clues series titles 1-7. I know. I’m terrible.)

We went to the book store on Saturday, and I was a good little book muncher and didn’t buy a single new title. I did get a magazine though. It’s called Altered Couture. I spent yesterday working on a shirt. Before and after pictures will be posted soon.