What do you want to see in CWIM? Shout out and be heard.

Children's Writers and Illustrators Market (CWIM)Hey Illustrators! A contributing editor to the Children’s Writers and Illustrators Market (CWIM) is wondering what would help make the book more useful/appealing to illustrators. I last bought a copy in 2011, because it seemed so pointless as an illustrator to spend the money. Sadly interviews are rarely geared towards art, but what other areas need work? Are they thorough enough? Do they hit all of our markets? Magazines, books, education, licensing, etc? What needs to be added to the book to make you want to pick it up? Comment below so I can forward your request to him.

5 thoughts on “What do you want to see in CWIM? Shout out and be heard.”

  1. I haven’t bought one of these books for the past few years, as I agree there is not much for illustrators to easily find. Possibly, an icon or two could be shown or added along side of anything of illustrator’s interest, helping those visually inclined to ‘catch’ quicker, some of these opportunity areas.

  2. A separate section just for humorous illustration, so it’s not in with the gag cartoon markets. Perhaps a bigger section, or more well defined section for art licensing as well. Likewise, I haven’t bought one in a few years.

    • Are you thinking of one of the other marketplace books? I don’t recall anything for humorous illustration in the children’s marketplace.

  3. I’ve purchased this book for the past three years and this is by far the best yet! Chuck Sambuchino hits on current topics that inform and inspire beginning writers and illustrators and keep those already published up to date with the industry. In addition to the detailed information about agents and publishing houses, I especially appreciate the section on Self-Publishing Basics. It stresses the importance of legal issues and having a strong business plan in order to succeed. There is also a very helpful section on How to Create Your Own Platform. It breaks this daunting task down into manageable pieces. The author interviews are fantastic. There is something to learn from each one of their personal journeys to success. They made me laugh, cry, and know that we all have our own unique journey with no right or a wrong way. This guide sits beside my computer and will be used time and time again throughout the year.

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